About 4 months ago, Mike and I took it upon ourselves (and got some major help from David Knight and Ben Beaumont) to plan an event to get our friends together to play our favorite lawn and tailgate game (seen above) that we call JAMBOE.
We decided we would be the captains of two 10-12 man teams and have a Ryder Cup Style event one Saturday afternoon. It had rules, rounds, jerseys, cold beverages...basically it had everything. Mike even built a new set of boards (all in all 5 different people brought their own set of boards, but we only used 3).
the famous SEC boards belonging to The Godfather
The team Mike captained was named "The Shenanigans" for the phase of the game when you try to screw up your opponent. My team was named "The Heartbreakers," which is what it is called when you put one in the hole on the last throw of the round, thus breaking the other team's heart.
The Shenanigans living up to their name
What we envisioned for JAMBOE Cup I...men tossing bags in a spirit of competition.
Ian, Rob (keeping the official score), Lo, and Capt. Jackson monitoring
The Heartbreaker's progress.
Sometimes in pursuit of the Cup, brother must battle brother. Jason and Adam Reese.
A good look at the jersey in action.
Some players make interesting fashion choices
A rare moment of sportsmanship shown by Jason Reese and Ben Beaumont
The gallery
After a round of individual matches, The Heartbreakers led by 10 points, each match being worth 5. In round 2, there was a random pairing system, each match worth 10 that The Shenanigans took advantage of. They took the lead and were ahead by 10 points. All they needed was 3 more match wins before they would hoist the Inaugural JAMBOE Cup.
The games got tight as the day went on.
In the final round, the two teams paired off their players, ranked the two man teams 1-6, and then played the corresponding ranking team - each match worth 15 points. The 6's went first then 5's and so on, culminating in the top two teams playing. My #1 ranked team finished our game early on the strength of Jay McPhillip's performance, cutting the Shenanigan lead down to 5 points, with one decisive match left - the battle of the #2 seeds. As Dave Knight tossed in the winning JAMBOE, chaos ensued. The Heartbreakers had come from behind! They had won the Inaugural JAMBOE Cup. After the individual awards were passed out, the JAMBOE Cup was presented, filled with beer, and passed around for a taste of victory. As you can see, Lo's taste trickled down his chest a little:
Heartbreakers: Front L-R: Jason "The Lo" Lee, Tyler Reese, Seth Grissom, Tyler Franks, J.D. King, Jay McPhillips;
Back L-R: "The Godfather" David Knight, Garrett Dean, Kent Jackson, Jason Reese (dressed in his Mary Ellen Award).
Individual Awards:
Most Mary Ellens: Jason Reese
Least Valuable Player: Adam Reese
Most Clutch: "The Godfather" David Knight
Most Valuable Player: Jay McPhillips